
Survivor Stories

The 25th November 2020 marks the International Day for the elimination of violence against women and girls. To gain more information about the day, see the UN website. 

Domestic Abuse communities in Sheffield are participating in this day which has brought about a number of survivor stories written by our very own Service User Reference Group and clients of valuable Sheffield support services: Young Women’s Housing Project and VIDA. To read the courageous stories written by our ladies, follow the links below. (Please note, the identities of the women have been protected). 

DACT Service User 1

DACT Service User 2

DACT Service User 3

DACT Service User 4

DACT Service User 5

DACT Service User 6  

Service User 7 (Young Women’s Housing Project) 

Service User 8 (Young Women’s Housing Project)

Service User 9 (Young Women’s Housing Project) English or Service User 9 (Young Women’s Housing Project) Arabic

Sheffield Service User Reference Group

This page has been established based on suggestions made from service users who sit on a group called the Domestic/ Sexual Abuse Service User Reference Group (DASURG)

The Domestic/ Sexual Abuse Service User (SU) Reference Group is not a support group, but is a supportive group of individuals who have experience of Domestic/Sexual Abuse

Purpose of the group

  • To give opinions about services based on experience
  • To help identify any gaps or barriers to accessing support services
  • To ensure that services are coordinated
  • To influence services (this could be generic and specialist support services) and practice
  • Potential routes for SU representation on other bodies in governance structure
  • To highlight, promote and celebrate good practice in the city
  • Members of the group can also play a role in raising awareness to professionals, through the eyes of a SU
  • To help with the development and promotion of Domestic/Sexual Abuse Marketing
  • To respond and take part in local, regional and national consultations

This page is currently under development but members of the Domestic Abuse –SURG would like to be able to use the page to share their experiences and provide any other information that they think would help others, either experiencing Domestic Abuse, contemplating fleeing or have fled domestic abuse already

Two pieces of writing by Lisa Rees, done a few years ago, as a  member of the Sheffield Domestic Abuse Service Users Group (click below to access):

My Journey
