Support for Children

boy-dogYou can ring the Helpline on 0808 808 2241 for advice and support, to find out which services can help children and to get you get in touch with other services in the Partnership.

Alternatively can contact organisations directly.

In an emergency, ring 999 and say your name and address. Domestic abuse is taken very seriously by the police.

If you are worried about a child and want to talk about it you can also ring the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub 0114 273 4855 .


Telephone: 0808 808 2241  Email:
If you call the Helpline they can listen to you, help you make sense of your situation and put you in touch with the right service. Or you can email them and let them know how and when it’s safe to get in touch with you. The Helpline is open 8am-8pm Monday-Friday and 11am-8pm Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays.

Community Youth teams

Please contact : / 0800 138 8381 or 0114 2057450 for more information

CandYP – Haven children-peace-garden

Telephone: 0114 213 0590


CandYP is for children aged 5-16 years who have experienced domestic abuse in their families. The project offers 6 sessions to work through a child’s (or young person’s) story of the abuse and help them to develop a coherent narrative that meets their needs. Workers help create a book for the child and to identify other trusted adults in their lives they can talk to or ask for help in the future.

CandYP :

  • Meet with women and their child/one of their children (at a time) to listen to their experiences and help them communicate more with each other about the abuse.
    Help children feel listened to.
  • Build the attachment and relationship between mums and their children.
    Work with women and children to identify and approach safe people for children to talk to – who can help with any difficulties they may have currently or in the future.
    Have safety sessions with mums and children.

CandyP is usually for children who are no longer living with the perpetrator and have resettled, and are ready to make sense of what they have experienced.

NSPCC Sheffield Young People’s Centre

Telephone: 0114 228 9200 

NSPCC Sheffield is now focussing on children and young people who are or have been in care, who have been sexually abused and young parents. Their projects are:

  • FEDUP – protecting children living with adult substance misuse.
  • Letting the future in – therapeutic services to help children move on with their lives after sexual abuse.
  • Improving parenting, improving practice – tackles child neglect by supporting and challenging parents who are struggling to care for their children.
  • Safeguarding looked after children through advocacy – a new programme to provide children in care with a trusted adult they can turn to. The adult will help ensure their voice is heard and keep them safe and protected from harm.
  • Reunification of children home from care – helps ensure children who are reunited with their birth families are not abused or neglected again.
  • Supporting children in care – provides a new way to give children in care the help they need through ChildLine and face-to-face counseling.
  • Minding the baby – supports young, vulnerable first-time parents to care for and protect their baby in the first two years of life.

Roundabout (Supported Accommodation)

Telephone: 0114 253 6789 


Roundabout offers shelter and support to young people (age 16-21) who are homeless, often because of family conflict. They have an emergency direct access hostel as well as dispersed housing and are the lead agency in the tenancy support service Stencil. Roundabout also help young people develop confidence and life skills to actively participate in their communities and encourage them to make their own decisions.

Youth Offending Service (YOS)teen-distant

Telephone: 0114 228 8555


The YOS works with children and young people aged 8-17, who are at risk of offending, anti-social behaviour or getting involved with gangs, but who have not passed the final warning stage of the Criminal Justice System. They prioritise children and young people who have no previous convictions. They can support children whose parents receive support from other services (such as IDVAS or Community Outreach Team), and who may be at increased risk of harmful behaviours in response to witnessing and experiencing domestic abuse in their family.

Sheffield Futures Door 43

Specialist counselling to young people aged 11-18 years old who are living in domestic abuse safe accommodation.  Specialist counsellors are trained in EDMR and can see young people in a range of venues, including schools, refuges, Sheffield Futures’ city centre location and also remotely.  Please visit their website for more information and referral form.