DASH and MARAC Information and Forms

DASH Risk Assessment Form – Adults **Updated 6th June 2024**

DASH Risk Assessment Form –  Young People (aged 13 – 18)   **Updated March 2024**

Also see the accompanying guidance. The DASH should only be used with young people aged 13-18 who are experiencing domestic abuse in their own relationships.

Sheffield MARAC Final 2023 Report   **NEW – uploaded 2nd April 2024**

Sheffield MARAC Induction Pack 2016   

DASH for victims of stalking 2013 this special Stalking DASH tool has been developed by Paladin http://paladinservice.co.uk/ to help identify people who are at risk of serious harm from a stalker.

DASH for victims of stalking 2013 this special Stalking DASH tool has been developed by Paladin http://paladinservice.co.uk/ to help identify people who are at risk of serious harm from a stalker.

Essential info for MARAC form April 14

MARAC research form April 2014

Practice Guidance on using the DASH Risk Assessment Tool

MARAC Operating Protocol – revised February 2015

Risk Factors & Definitions combined 2xA5

Summary Guide for High Risk DA Referrals June 2014

Stonewall LGBT Risk Practice Tool (a guidance document is available here for this form)

Sheffield Data Sharing Agreement for MARAC – revised June 2022